该职位来源于猎聘 Duties & Responsibilities:
Work with Active Electrical Cable Product Management, SE, AE, Global Site PMs, OPS (Product Engineering, PLM, Logistics and Planning, Quality), Sales, Finance, and other functions across Credo and external CMs to contribute to worldwide AEC projects meet cost, schedule and customer expectations. 跨 Credo 和外协厂合作服务于Credo全球有源电缆项目,满足成本、进度和客户期望。合作部门有但不限于有源电缆产品管理部、系统工程部、应用工程部、全球各站点项目经理、运营部(产品工程、产品生命周期管理、物流和计划、质量)、销售、财务和其他职能部门。Lead a global, multi-functional team to deliver new products and offers to market smoothly. fully responsible for the project output of the whole project team. 领导一支全球性的多功能团队,顺利地将新产品推向市场。全权负责整个项目团队的项目产出。Project status review, schedule commitment, risk definition and management, monitor and drive CFT to solve all open issues before MP, coordinate to work out and analyze production capacity, ramp up plan 项目状态审查、进度承诺、项目风险管理、监控并推动项目团队量产之前解决所有未解决的问题,协调以制定和分析产能,产能提升计划Take charge of mass production sustaining projects, such as but not limited to Yield Improvement, Cost Down, new manufacturing/testing technology introduce for upgrading and so on. 负责量产项目相关事宜,例如提高产量、降低成本、引进新的制造/测试技术进行升级等。Establish and maintain an accurate project schedule based on commitment from/to all project stakeholders of both internal team and external CMs. 根据OPS内部及相关的其他部门的项目进度,制定并保障项目进度。Regularly track, review and follow up with CMs’ Program Managers for on-going projects. 定期跟踪、审查和跟进项目的进度。Collecting and sharing best practices/lesson learns from closed/on-going projects to continuously improve sustaining projects management. 收集和分享已结束/正在进行的项目的***做法/经验教训,以持续改进项目管理。Tasks assigned by superior. 领导布置的其他工作任务 Qualifications: Proven successful experiences to handle multiple projects simultaneously, oversea projects experience is a plus 有同时处理多个项目的成熟成功经验。有海外项目经验者优先。Has the experience of leading cross function team to manage the technology products development is a plus.
Has the experience of working with the world top hyperscaler operation companies is plus.
Knowledge of DataComm products technology is must, basic manufacturing processes is required 了解数据通信产品技术,对生产制造流程有基本的了解。Take responsibility, ability to multi task and priorities work load,can work under high pressure 责任心强,胜任多任务,分清主次,准确而及时的完成工作任务,能在高压下工作Respect, trust others. Works with integrity and ethics, confidential sense 尊重、信任他人、诚实守信,良好的职业操守,保密意识强Neatness and tidiness of work habits. 工作习惯思路清晰、有条不紊、结果精准。Practical English verbal and written communication skills. 良好的英语口头和书面表达能力Excellent communication skill with other functions. 出色的沟通协调能力PMO experience is preferred. 有项目管理办公室经验者优先PMP certification is a plus.
Education: University or above, majoy in
Optical Information Science and Technology, Electronic Information Engineering Mechanics or Electronics relevant 大学本科及以上学历, 光信息科学与技术,电子与通讯工程,机械,电子等相关专业