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Unlock Innovation: How Diversity Inclusion Power Project Management  

By Olivia Mitchell Russell 24 Jul 2024
Unlock Innovation: How Diversity Inclusion Power Project Management  

Discover how diversity and inclusion are key to unlocking innovation in project management. Learn strategies to build inclusive teams and drive exceptional results.  

Unleashing Project Power: How Diversity and Inclusion Drive Innovation

Today in project management, success hinges on our ability to think creatively, solve problems effectively, and deliver exceptional results. But what if the key to unlocking these superpowers lies not just in individual brilliance, but in the power of diversity and inclusion (D&I)?  

The Innovation Gap of Homogeneity

Imagine a project team where everyone shares similar backgrounds, experiences, and approaches. While this team might be highly skilled, they could miss crucial perspectives or innovative solutions. This is where Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) steps in. By fostering a team environment that embraces a variety of perspectives, cultures, and skill sets, project management unlocks a wealth of benefits:  

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: Diverse teams bring a wider range of ideas and experiences to the table, leading to more comprehensive solutions and well-rounded decision-making.  
  • Innovation on Steroids: A variety of perspectives spark creativity, allowing teams to generate groundbreaking solutions that might not have emerged otherwise. Imagine a team comprising a tech whiz, a seasoned industry veteran, and a recent graduate – their combined expertise can lead to revolutionary ideas that are meticulously examined for risk, tested for flaws, and executed with precision.  
  • Stronger Team Cohesion: When team members feel valued and respected for their unique contributions, it fosters trust, collaboration, and a sense of belonging. This translates to a more engaged and productive team environment.  
Unlock Innovation: How Diversity  Inclusion Power Project Management  

My Personal Journey: Leading with Diversity

As the sole project manager in a non-diverse organisation, I managed the largest team of people of colour (POC). When asked how I found so many qualified candidates, the answer was simple: I looked for skills and abilities, prioritising who was the best fit for the job and the problem we were solving. I moved away from familiar and comfortable choices, focusing instead on finding the best talent. Throughout my career, I have discovered some of the most amazing colleagues among those who did not attend the "preferred" schools, those who chose to set boundaries by working from home, those who opted not to vaccinate during COVID-19, those who decided not to create social media profiles. These characteristics might seem odd to highlight, but at various points, different agencies might have considered them outliers or reasons to exclude candidates. However, I found some of the most outstanding team contributors, colleagues, and mentors among these individuals.  

By embracing diverse backgrounds and perspectives, I discovered that true innovation and inspiration often emerge from our differences. Understanding what makes diverse people more alike than different has been a rewarding journey, leading to creative solutions and a cohesive team environment. 

Building Bridges, Not Walls: Strategies for an Inclusive Project Team

Creating a truly inclusive project team goes beyond just hiring diverse candidates. It is about nurturing a culture that empowers everyone to contribute their best. Here are some key strategies to implement:  

  • Challenge Unconscious Bias: Educate team members on unconscious bias and its impact on decision-making. This fosters a more aware and inclusive environment. Unconscious bias can significantly affect the workplace by influencing perceptions, interactions, and decisions, leading to mistakes, unfair judgments, and discrimination. Addressing these biases is crucial to promoting equality.  
  • Psychological Safety is Key: Create a safe space where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, even if they differ from the majority. This encourages open communication and ensures diverse voices are heard. Indicators of psychological safety in the workplace include: 
  • Open-mindedness: Employees are receptive to different perspectives and changes. 
  • Willingness to help: Employees feel comfortable asking for help and know colleagues are willing to assist.  
  • Attitude towards risk and failure: Employees view mistakes as learning opportunities rather than something to be avoided.  
  • Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Connect diverse team members with experienced mentors and sponsors who can offer guidance and support as they navigate their careers. This fosters a sense of belonging and promotes career growth.  
  • Focus on Skills and Potential: Prioritise skills, experience, and potential during the hiring process to build a more capable and versatile team. Instead of relying solely on traditional resumes, which may not capture the full spectrum of a candidate's abilities, consider diverse assessment methods. These can include practical skills tests, simulations, and project-based assessments that allow candidates to demonstrate their capabilities in real-world scenarios.  

Incorporate behavioural interviews where candidates provide examples of how they have handled specific situations in the past. This offers deeper insights into their problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and interpersonal skills. This approach helps identify candidates who possess the required skills and those with the potential to grow and adapt within your organisation.  

By embracing a more holistic evaluation process, you can uncover hidden talents and potential in candidates who might otherwise be overlooked, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic workplace.  

The D&I Advantage: A Call to Action

By embracing Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), project management teams unlock a world of creative solutions, foster a more engaged team spirit, and drive innovation for superior project outcomes. It is a win-win for businesses, teams, and individuals. Let us keep the conversation going! Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. How have you seen D&I enhance project management in your organisation? Your insights can inspire others to create more inclusive and innovative teams.