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7 Steps to build your Project Management Credibility

This article discusses the 7 steps that add project management credibility to your career and enhance your career prospects.

19 Sep 2018
7 Steps to build your Project Management Credibility

Becoming good at project management is both practical and rewarding. What makes a project management professional stand out from the crowd? What is it that gives them the Project Management Credibility factor?

We suggest that someone with the project management credibility factor is “a person with a balanced profile of project management education, knowledge, skills and recognition, who significantly and actively contributes to present-day developments in project management while driving the future of the discipline with unique thoughts and actions.”

Acquiring the project management credibility factor

  1. Education in Project Management

    Having formal education in project management is the first step in building a sustainable and concrete platform for growth in project management. It will help to learn best practices and have the technical and social competencies to manage projects successfully. The Institute offers project management education in the form of the Certified Project Management Diploma course. This course prepares you for efficient managing of any future projects. It is globally recognised, and upon completion, you are IPMA Level-D certified project manager.
  2. Project Management Certification

    Securing a reputable project management certification provides needed recognition and the opportunity to be aligned with current knowledge levels and meet expected standards for operating in the project management domain. Project management certification complements formal PM education - having this combination package provides recognition and credence.
  3. Possess Skills that are Current and Relevant

    It is critical to stay relevant to the PM skill needs of the market. Possessing current and relevant skills to the industry that a person is operating in or wants to work in is vital.
  4. Diplomatic skills

    Success in project management requires an intricate balance of possessing human and technical skills. Having skills in diplomacy and a penchant for dealing with stakeholders of all types provides a sustainable advantage to lead projects successfully.
  5. ‘Sharing is caring.’

    Project management being a team-based exercise requires constant sharing of relevant information and knowledge with other people working on the team. People who are willing to share their knowledge, skills and expertise tend to get more respect from their peers.
  6. Create knowledge that has practical utility

    If the knowledge can be put to immediate use, it helps build a sound persona for the person or the team who created the knowledge. The creation of new knowledge that has practical utility does not necessarily mean being an expert at everything, but knowing something about many things can help connect the dots, giving new meaning and creating new knowledge.
  7. Be the driver of new thought

    A top-class project manager is expected to be the thought leader, driver of innovation and creativity in processes, methods, and above the ll, the discipline structure. Therefore, seeking to learn and lead the development of new thoughts is critical.