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Project Manager Certification: Project Management Courses in the UK

This article explains the significance of project management courses and certifications and the benefits of pursuing certifications.

27 Nov 2018
Project Manager Certification: Project Management Courses in the UK

Project management is now a core competence of management. Its application and dispersion across all sectors continue apace. It is recognised as the vehicle for getting things done, managing change and driving innovation. This blog will convey the significance of project management courses and certifications.

For many individuals, their pathway to project management has been that of the “accidental project manager” – evolving from their primary functional specialism (engineer, developer, HR specialist etc.) to the participation/management of projects. As a result, they are exposed to or involved in managing projects but have had little or no formal training in the discipline.

Professionals are seeking to fill this space through the pursuit of academic accreditation or professional body certification. However, they research the marketplace, find it confusing, and many end up asking the question, “What is the value of Project Management Courses & Certification in Project Management?”

How to get Certified as a Project Manager

While you can succeed in project management without qualification, there are key benefits to pursuing certification. For the individual considering pursuing certification here are some points to consider.

project management courses

1. Expand your Marketability as a Project Manager

All over the world, there is a high demand for proficient project managers in industries. Apart from your academic background, a valid certification or accredited project management course will prove your expertise in project management skills. For hiring managers to narrow down a large number of job applications, certification is likely to be an essential initial screening tool for project management positions.

Obtaining a certification does not directly indicate project management proficiency. Still, obtaining certification, joining a professional association, and increasing project management knowledge are all likely to increase self-confidence. It also increases professionalism which will likely increase the level of performance and success in the market.

2. Formalise Knowledge:

Certification is a snapshot of competence developed over time through a collection of experience. Project Management Training Programs help in achieving that expertise. Competence is the application of knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve the desired results. The process of obtaining a project management certification will help to formalise knowledge and skills that you’re already familiar with.

3. Common Language: Strategic Project Planning

Certification signals your proficiency in the practice of their occupation and that you speak in a common language. Possessing a common language within a team or organisation, which encompasses strategic management principles, provides a consistent approach that your stakeholders can take confidence in. You will be able to communicate effectively and bridge the technical teams and others in the company who don’t have the same professional background.

PSM Scrum Manager

4. IPMA Certification: IMPA Project Management

Authoritative and well-respected organisations within the sector, create and maintain Project management certifications. By ensuring that their certifications are of the highest standard, these organisations have built global recognition. Which transfers to the qualifications they offer.

For example, certifications, like those developed by IPMA, are recognised throughout the world to demonstrate a skilled and committed project professional.

Best Project Management Certification

Before setting out on the best project management certification, an individual should clarify the purpose of the certification. (Why I am undergoing the certification process?), then ways of development (what and how do I want to learn in future?) and which certification programme best fits this agenda and career development path.

It is important to remember that the real benefit and value that you can ultimately bring to your own personal brand and paying audience is competency – delivering project success effectively. While certification that focuses primarily on knowledge acquisition is beneficial, it is only a component – the acid test is performed. The Institute of Project Management offers various courses taught by expert lecturers. They share their experiences in the project management field and use practical examples and exercises to ensure the knowledge you gather is easily applicable in your own workplace. Each certificate is internationally recognised and is a testimonial of expertise and qualification. In conclusion, Project Mangers may enhance their learning by joining training programs.