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No more PMI Challenges to UK ''Chartered Status''

Association of Project Management resolved to embark on a programme for the association to achieve Chartered Status.

28 Sep 2016
No more PMI Challenges to UK ''Chartered Status''

APM (Association of Project Management) was formed in 1972, is the IPMA national association for the UK and supports over 30,000 project professionals every year through qualifications and membership programmes. Project and programme management are vital contributors to the UK’s economy.  

The story so far

In January 2007, the APM Board resolved to embark on a programme for the association to achieve Chartered Status, become chartered as an organisation, and operate a Chartered practitioner register.

It set out to achieve Chartered status for the project management profession because it: 

  • Offers assurance to users of project management services through the association’s regulating authority.
  • Acknowledges project professionals as experts in their field, offering a clear differentiator between professionals and others.
  • Provides a framework for improving project performance.
  • Raises the profile and value of project management. Offers assurance to users of project management services through the association’s regulating authority.

In July 2013, a committee of the Privy Council unanimously recommended that a Royal Charter be granted to APM. However, this decision was challenged in the courts by PMI.

In January 2016 the Court of Appeal handed down judgement rejecting PMI’s appeal

What’s next?

APM is now focussing on the processes required to be granted, and to implement, a Royal Charter. The next steps are:

The Grant of a Royal Charter by the Privy Council

APM is waiting for notification of when its application will be listed for the business of the Privy Council for Royal approval. The decision to grant a Royal Charter would trigger several procedural steps, including printing the Charter on vellum and sealing it.

Activation of the new Chartered organisation

Once approval has been received, APM would be required to undertake various procedural, legal and accounting steps to activate the new Chartered organisation. For example, a Chartered organisation would replace the existing association with the same membership and its assets transferred to the new Chartered organisation. This would require registration of the new Chartered organisation as a charity and authorisation by a resolution passed at a meeting of APM members. 

Launch of the register of Chartered Project Professionals

To launch its register of Chartered Project Professionals, the new Chartered organisation would be required to conduct an open and public consultation on aspects of the new Chartered designation. It would give due consideration to the consultation results to finalise the applicable criteria for admission to the register. Once these regulations are in place, it would begin accepting applications to the register of Chartered Project Professionals. It is anticipated that Registered Project Professionals would have already demonstrated the competence level required for any future Chartered standard.

Implications for Ireland

The Institute maintains very close relationships with our sister IPMA organization APM in the UK and is actively examining the potential of offering the chartered designation to qualifying individuals here who are interested.