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AI in Project Management: Insights from Lloyd Skinner

In this video, Lloyd discussed the transformative impact of AI on project management, which is crucial for today's project managers.

08 Aug 2024
AI in Project Management: Insights from Lloyd Skinner

We recently hosted an enlightening session on AI in Project Management, featuring our special guest, Lloyd Skinner, CEO of He has been investigating the use of AI in project management and developing a suite of Intelligent Project Prediction tools.

Over the course of an hour, Lloyd shared invaluable insights on how AI is transforming the landscape of project management, from predictive analytics to automated workflows. We’re excited to share the recording of this session with you and encourage you to explore the discussion to see how AI can elevate your project management practices.

This session highlighted the numerous ways AI can drive efficiency, reduce risks, and ensure the success of your projects. Whether you're new to AI or looking to deepen your understanding, this session provides valuable insights that can be immediately applied to your work.

The power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly realised and applied to the world of project management. AI technologies and tools are being used to develop smarter, more efficient project management processes and systems. AI-enabled project management allows organisations to achieve accurate project predictions, leading to better outcomes.

In this video, we explore the theoretical concepts and case studies that illustrate the potential of AI in project management. We will look at the benefits and challenges of leveraging AI for project success, as well as insights and examples from project professionals towards implementing AI in their strategies. By the end of the video, we will understand the ways that AI can be used to maximise project performance and achieve greater efficiency.